Software Development + Design - Services & Solutions

We provide a wide-range of software development services and solutions. Whatever you need, be it an app, website, mobile website, or desktop application, we provide the design and development experience needed to make it a success. Send us an email and we can discuss how to best bring your project or idea to fruition.

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iPhone & iPad Apps

Universal Apps based on the latest iOS SDK

iOS Apps

Mobile Web Apps

Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone

Mobile Apps

Desktop Applications

OS X, Windows

Desktop Applications

Web Development


Web Development

Brawer has developped Apps for the following companies and organizations.
American Society of Echocardiography Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Canadian Cardiovascular Society
Epocrates Heart and Stroke Foundation Nate Bower Fitness
iPhone, iPad, iOS, OS X, MacBook Pro, and Safari are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Nexus and Android are registered trademarks of Google Inc. BlackBerry is a registered trademark of Research In Motion Limited. Windows and Windows Phone are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.